Adaptive Cruise Control & Navigation– Issues

Faults and Technical chat for the Volkswagen ID.4
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Post by exwayf »

ACC generally works well but I have found some quirks.

  • Speed limits are sometimes incorrect. Recently I was travelling along the M27, junctions 9 to 3 where there are extensive road works and an average 50mph speed limit. With ACC on, the speed limit changed from 50 to 60 back to 50 to 60 back to 50. Any thoughts on what was the system doing and where did it get these limits from.
  • Similarly, travelling through the New Forest which has a 40 mph limit, I kept getting warnings that the speed limit was 30mph and ACC wanted to drop to 30. Interestingly, going along one road it said 30, on the return journey it gave 40 for the opposite direction.
  • Traveling on a motorway, at 65, it warned me of a bend and wanted to slow to 28 (this was a gentle curve) and then of a roundabout ahead. This was as I approached a junction but was continuing on the motorway. I was using a chosen route on Navigation.
  • Using Navigation on a selected route the light above dashboard indicates when to turn left or right, but does not appear to given any indication when you have to turn left or right at a roundabout. Am I missing something?
  • It can be too enthusiastic when going round some bends. It might be a 60mph limit for the road but for some bends I would slow down a bit.
Have others experienced such issues?
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Post by karlwoolley »

Hi, I think I can probably say that I have experienced a few of your issues at times, but I would say that they are a rarity for me. The one that is most annoying is the slowing down to 20 for a bend from 50 or so. I keep meaning to tweak the driver assistance settings to my liking, but never got round to it.

I actually have an ACC error at the moment, where it had been fine all day then suddenly on the most recent journey, was intermittently flashing up as being unavailable. I suspect this is due to a dirty/obscured sensor, so I will go and have a look at that in a bit; it's something I used to see on my Touareg in the snow.
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Post by karlwoolley »

A quick clean just below the VW badge (the radar sensor control unit sits behind here, you can see the black box if you lift your bonnet) looks like it did the trick for me, although it was only covered in a few bugs... we shall see, I guess.
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Post by AlB59 »

Similar ACC experiences to exwayf. The scariest ones were when my WW ID.4 decided that it needed to slow to 30mph from 70 mph while driving on the motorway. This occurred as I was passing motorway exit sliproads. Maybe the car detected 30 mph roadsigns and got confused? It certainly caused some unexpected tailgating by cars immediately behind me so I've lost some confidence in ACC. I also need to disable lane assist every time I "start" the car as it has not learned how to deal with narrow A-roads and I'm not a fan of fighting with my car over my lane position.
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Post by Force9Storm »

I acquired an id.4 yesterday and tried the auto speed limiter. It was changing the limit not only from sign recognition but also from the built in maps. I slowed to 30 on a dual carriageway with a large vehicle behind me ... turned that off now ! I will set the limits manually from now on. If there was a way to automatically set the limits just from camera detection I would try it again.
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Post by icowden »

Yep, experienced all of those. To my mind the issues are:-

1) ACC cannot differentiate between the road that you are on and a road running parallel to, or over the road that you are on. It will often assume you have magically jumped to the road next door or the overpass or whatever. Does it a lot on the A3. This could be fixed easily if ACC used some predictive modelling.
2) ACC has not been programmed to understand bends. Once a car is out of view, it assumes that car has vanished - it doesn't have any predictive modelling.
3) The GPS road speed data it is using is occasionally wonky. It has recently started to leap to 60mph on a small stretch of a 40mph road near me. There are no speed signs for it to pick up, so it must be the road data it is using. Other ACC users have reported a couple of places where the ACC believes the limit to be 100mph!
4) The ACC is often over aggressive in traffic when closing the gap to the car in front.

It's yet another example of VW failing to learn from competitors, trying to do something a bit Tesla like on the cheap and failing to pay for the best map data.
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Post by CoxJul »

Two scary situations for me -
1. Driving down the A3 towards Robin Hood corner (dual carriageway 50mph) when the ACC decided it was 80mph... in the UK!
2. Driving under ACC as the A-road turned into a single lane dual carriageway (60->70mph) and was approaching a two-lane dual carriageway section when the ACC decided this was a junction and slowed to 30mph! Multiple examples of this.

Fortunately I was paying sufficient attention to prevent anything dangerous happening.
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