Granny charging with 3 pin plug - limited to 5amps?

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Post by Bobster86 »

Hi all.

We have just joined the EV revolution and picked up a 2022 ID4 and so are trying to get up to speed on the different ways of charging. So far its been a faultless experience with the public charging network, however its at home where we're struggling a bit.

The plan is certainly to get a proper home charger installed, however we are planning on moving house in around 6 months so I don't really want to fork out several hundred pounds for a permanent charger now - I'd rather wait and see where we move to first.

We regularly visit family who live in remote areas around 100 and 250 miles away, so i thought it would make sense to get a 3 pin plug charger which I can use when we're away and also as a short term solution until we've moved. I have therefore bought a type 2 to 3pin charging cable (Vorsprung) which says it can charge at 8, 10 or 13amps. We are relatively low milage so charging at 8 or 10 amps would be absolutely fine for us.

However, having plugged it in I have noticed that the charger is only supplying the car with 5amps of charge (approx 1.3kw) - the indicator on the car is flashing green and red which according to the manual means 'charging is taking place with a reduced charging current to prevent the vehicle from breaking down. A fault is present, eg charging connector not fully loaded'.

Having spoken to Vorsprung they have told me that the ID4 is limited to "6amps via AC" by which I think they mean a 3 pin plug. Whilst this would explain the issue I can't find any specific reference to that restriction online or in the user guide/ service manual, etc. Everything I can see in relation to AC charging is 22KW max.

So the first question is - have others encountered this restriction? and secondly, whilst the charging rate is only 1.3Kw (which whilst disappointing we can probably live with), should i continue to use the cable if the car is telling me there is a fault?


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Post by ejnar »

My home charger provides 11 kW - (230V * 16A * 3 phases) - that is the max the ID.4 can consume - at least my version of it. I haven't seen any statements of an ID.4 that can charge 22 kW AC.

Here in Denmark, a standard electrical outlet will give you max. 230V * 13A so a granny charger will not give you more than 3 kW - and my original VW charger consumes 6A so it gives 1.4 kW. 6A is the max allowed for "long time" load on a single standard outlet here.
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Post by exwayf »

We have been using the official 3 pin VW granny charger the dealer gave us when we bought the car 3 years ago. We have never got around to installing a charger.

On our charger we get 7 to 9 miles added per hour (depending on temperature) using the reduced charge rate set in the app. This is using about 2Kw (we have solar panels of this capacity). If we set to use the full charge rate it only seems to go to 2.5Kw which is about 10amp. This is based on looking at our smart meter. This set up works for us on our usage.

Do you know anyone with another granny charger to compare?
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Post by MikeS »

I've got a 3pin 'granny' charger cable for emergencies (its the Masterplug one sold @ screwfix) and normally get 10A from it when plugged in.


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Post by SteveH »

You say that you have had no problems public charging, has this been on AC or DC charging?
The reason I ask is that there is a setting in the car, or by using the app, to reduce AC charging current, that hasn't been turned on at all?

Also what charge rate did you have the Vorsprung set to charge at?

I use the Masterplug Granny charger from Screwfix as well, this is set to charge at 10 amps which gives me about 2.3KWh.

My understanding is that a 13 amp UK plug socket isn't constantly rated for 13 amps which is why the Masterplug is set to 10 amps max.

Looking at the reviews of the Vorsprung, there are a few that have had problems with overheating plugs, which could be down to badly installed plug sockets or running the Vorsprung at 13 amps.

And Vorsprung saying that ID4 is limited to "6amps via AC" is incorrect, if you plug into an AC 3 phase charger rated at 22KWh the ID.4 should charge at 11KWh.

Good luck.
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Post by Bobster86 »

Hi many thanks for the prompt responses - I'll do my best to answer the various replies:

@ejnar- yes you are correct its 11kw max ac charge I should've double checked that in the original post!
@exwayf - so yes it sounds like you're at least getting 10amps. I don't know anyone with a charger but that was my next plan.
@MikeS - thanks that is very helpful, so its pretty clear that the car isn't limited to 5Amps.
@SteveH - We've tried charging both using DC at CCS at local 50KW and 150KW chargers and also on AC using a type 2 connector to a lamppost charger which we happen to have opposite our house - no issues with those at all. Yes I have seen the reduced charging option and that is definitely not activated.

The Vorsprung charger charged at 5amps irrespective of whether i had it set to 8, 10 or 13amps. I am aware that charging at 13amps is not a good idea and we'd be more than happy with 10amps - it is a second hand charger so i wonder if it has sustained some damage on a long term 13amp charge.

I've now put an order in for a masterplug from screwfix as you suggest - i'll give that a go and see if its any different. I notice they also sell a masterplug EV charging unswitched outlet for £62.49 which is rated to deliver 13amps continually - i might consider getting one of those too since its likely to hold up better than a regular socket.

Cheers again all.
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Post by SteveH »

It would appear to me that the Vorsprung is defective, if you've used a Type 2 charger with out any problems I don't see how it could be your car.
The Masterplug appears to be a good charger, I've had mine 3 years, 2 years charging a Plugin Hybrid nearly every day and now 12 months on the ID.4.
Have you looked on the Speak EV forum? There is some interesting stuff on there, but be careful if you post anything about Granny charging, there are some on there have a real bee in there bonnet about it!

If you have a Smart Meter have you looked at EV tariffs? They can work out a lot cheeper.

Let us know how you get on with the Masterplug.

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Post by Kalys »

Yeah, some EVs do limit the amps on 3-pin plugs for safety. The flashing light and fault message are worth paying attention to. Maybe look into a portable Level 2 charger for now.
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Post by Bobster86 »

Update: I got hold of an Masterplug charger which worked absolutely fine at 10amps, so its clearly an issue with the Vorsprung charger. @SteveH - Yes i have been looking to change over to the Octopus Intelligent Go tariff but you need the car plugged in ready to charge as part of the changeover process, hence i was looking to get the charger sorted. After a bit of faffing around I managed to get that set up too so we're all good.
Thanks again all - I'll repost if I ever get the Vorsprung charger working but am not expecting to get anywhere.
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